2003 Vancouver Thoughts
TRACK: Well, if nothing else, Vancouver certainly brings out a lot of "excitement."
RACE: The bottom line -- it was the RIGHT call. Period. All other arguments ... and whining .. are
QUALIFYING: Again, it was the right call. With one caveat this time -- is this going to be the way of
the future, or was this just a "message" call?
TRACY: Note to all other competitors -- stop getting Paul mad. It just fuels him.
JUNQUEIRA: Bruno may not have a win this year, and Tracy may have five victories, but Junqueira is still
only one race away from jumping ahead of Tracy in the standings.
BOURDAIS: Don't count Sebastien out.
JOURDAIN: Nor, Michel.
MANNING: Attrition helped, but it was still a fine run for Darren.
HABERFELD: Ditto the ditto.
PAPIS: The team looked a little better this weekend. Just a little.
COYNE: Most embarrassing team performance in the history of motorsports. Not even an IRL duo is this
BOSS: Even our "beloved" Shiggy has better credentials than Geoff. This is supposed to be a major league
series. Wankers are one thing, but complete incompetence is another.
SALLES: Hey, Gualter is back in CART again. Hey, his return is even more inauspicious than last time.
MONTEIRO, DOMINGUEZ: But wait. But wait. Not to be outdone by the Keystone Koyne team, these two
loggerheads decide to pull off a pair of the most asinine moves in motorsports history. Both, many laps down,
take out prime contenders in the race. Hometown contenders, no less. We got the next sequel to Dumb and
Dumber; it's Tiago and Mario.
TAGLIANI: First lap wonder. Later lap heartbreak.
MORENO: Now, Roberto is starting to perform like we expected. If not for the first lap fracas, it would
have been very interesting to see how he did in the race. Dominguez better look out. He may very quickly be
relegated back to an also-ran.
CARPENTIER: Yes, he was totally outpaced once again by his teammate. However, this time Patrick was
doing a great job trying to make it a Player's sweep.
OVER/UNDER: 12 -- The number of people who will watch Road America on TV.
STAT OF THE WEEKEND: Paul Tracy becomes the first Canadian to win two consecutive races in the Great
White North.
HISTORICAL STAT OF THE WEEKEND: This is the fastest Vancouver race since 1997 when Mauricio Gugelmin won.
QUOTE OF THE WEEKEND: To the always quotable Tommy Kendall, "Race car drivers are not as hard to train
as cats, but they're pretty close."
QUOTE OF THE WEEKEND RUNNERUP: To Bob Varsha, "When you bang the tires, it doesn't matter what the
temperatures are."
SCHEDULE: It's a good thing Road America got back on the schedule. It's a bad thing, a really bad
thing, nobody but the fans who attend will be able to see it.
Copyright © 2003 by Deep Throttle. All Rights Reserved.

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