
I like this site very much!
martina (martina)
NewYork, NY USA - Wednesday, November 02, 2005 at 08:31:22 (PST)
Nice Site? Try again.
IRL (none@att.net)
INDY, IN USA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 23:25:27 (PDT)
Max (max501@aetrade.net)
- Monday, May 17, 2004 at 15:21:33 (PDT)
damn i am so damn happy. if tony's wallet won the battle, there would be no surfers paradise race, and suddenly formula one would be the best open wheel racing in the world. But champcars are still around and are still the best
Josh Pickard (bucket_of_chicken@hotmail.com)
brisbane, qld australia - Thursday, January 29, 2004 at 01:50:35 (PST)
Nice site.
mary hinge (revmaryhinge@yahoo.co.uk)
- Sunday, October 19, 2003 at 05:23:22 (PDT)
Hi there,
You have a very good site. Your art is very good. There are not so much photographers who understand what is art. You know your job. You canb see my site; www.robbertmaas.nl
I have a guestbook too.
Greatings, Robbert Maas
Robbert Maas (robbert@robbertmaas.nl)
Best, NB Netherlands - Monday, October 13, 2003 at 00:22:23 (PDT)
Just found your site - great stuff. Is Deep Throttle out of Canada? Seems like it. Just like with Formula Atlantic, history will show that once again, Canadians are the voice of reason and the blessed intelligence to save North American open wheel racing. The crowds in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto are unreal, rivaled only by Mexico. So what's wrong with us Yanks? Why are we so easily confused and misled by the IRL and NASCAR? Must be the watered down beer...
Keep up the great - poltically incorrect, but damn good - work.
Werner Fritz (wfritz789@aol.com)
Trevor, Wisconsin USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at 14:20:29 (PDT)
Hey there. Got here via the 10/Tenths Motorsport Discussion Forum Network. Looks nice, keep up the good work! :)
Trevor Hermance (peterh11@juno.com)
New Britain, CT U.S.A - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 at 13:13:31 (PDT)
My husband was a crew member of a few CART teams. He died last year at Mid-Ohio. You guys wrote some nice things about him. Thank you. -M.
Marlo Ruscigno (kaffn8d@cox.net)
San Diego, CA USA - Monday, August 18, 2003 at 19:59:04 (PDT)
Good! Very good!
Arnoldushka (arny123@yahoo.com)
, CO Germany - Monday, July 14, 2003 at 01:26:16 (PDT)
Shigeaki is my hero. i want him to race in cart this year. i would stay up instead of taping the races too see Shigeaki race like a 10-year old driving a hire go-kart
australia - Sunday, April 27, 2003 at 05:11:23 (PDT)
Fabulous site mate! If I may borrow a term from another Forum...The "EARL" league is absolute and unadulterated CRAP. How anyone can watch that rubbish and seriously call it racing is truly demented...DAMN!! all circles...BORING!! CHAMP car is a true test of a driver's capabilities as he is required to master all forms of tracks. I would sooner watch CART racing in the rain, as I did last year, than watch the twIRL league on a hot, sunny, dry day. I hope the HURLeague goes the way of the dodo bird and stinky socks...TO HELL MATE! Great site, keep up the good work GO CART GO.
Roger (aussiedream35@hotmail.com)
Surfer's Paradise, Australia - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 23:50:46 (PDT)
Great Site. I'm a HUGE CART fan and I can not stand Tony
George. Keep up the great job!
Cindy Adams (cadams@earthlink.net)
Burbank, CA USA - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 21:46:51 (PST)
Please, please keep the Shiggy scorecard up to date, as this cretin "drives" for A.J. Foyt. The respect I had for A.J., one of the country's finest drivers, ever, is now all but evaporated. Keep up the good work on the site.
Chicago, - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 20:57:28 (PST)
does chris pook have an e-mail address? i wanna tell him what a great job he is doing. while im at it, does tony george have an e-mail or postage address? i just wanna tell him that no matter how hard he tries, he will never defeat cart and we will rise and demolish his bland, boring, stupid series that barely nobodys knows about over here in australia. no tv station will cover irl races with the exception of the 500. the 500 is basically and cart race, seeing how we win it all the time and i think paul is the defending indy500 champion
josh (bucket_of_chicken@hotmail.com)
- Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 02:28:07 (PST)
i love this website. a website that totaly supports CART and finds the lies and betrayls of the phony indy racing league
here in australia, all motorsports have heard of CART and would of watched. barely any would of heard of the IRL yet alone watch a race of IRL.
australia is 100% behind CART
josh (bucket_of_chicken@hotmail.com)
brisbane, qld australia - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 03:41:45 (PST)
This is a fantastic site. Great to see unvarnished, thoughtful commentary on auto racing.
Earl McKenzie (mr-dog@shaw.ca)
Canada - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 20:08:10 (PST)
Loved the CART marathon!!!! IRL stands for "Irrelivent Retirement League"
corner5 (zappa@athenet.net)
- Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 08:04:57 (PST)
Love the website. Nice work you guys. 2003 should be awesome.
Tyler Smith (vwrallye@hotmail.com)
Bremerton, Washington united States - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 13:17:00 (PST)
NY, US - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 06:37:37 (PDT)
I love the Team Oreca Viper gts-r. It's my favorite car, and thats what I race on Gran Turismo 3 all the time.
Derrick Ensley (derrickensley@softhome.net)
Hollsopple, Pennsylvania USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 09:49:34 (PDT)
Man, never stop this site, and go ahead with Shigeaki Hatori scorecard!
Octávio (octavio@guiffer.com.br)
Curitiba, Paraná Brazil - Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 15:04:24 (PDT)
Thanks for the site.
Jim Joeriman (pelucent@hotmail.com)
Toms River, NJ USA - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 15:06:18 (PST)
I enjoyed the essays by Russell Jaslow. This is a powerful statement since I'm a devout IRL supporter. I'll be back.
Roger Bailey (roger.bailey@mtdsw.com)
Tempe, AZ USA - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 21:56:34 (PST)
Nice site, I congratulate you on a lot f work to make this happen. Especially love the Runoffs coverage, anything SCCA. We disagree on the Open Wheel series', but I'm sure natural order will sort that out. Keep up the good work on SCCA. LD&!
LD71 (ignition@netzero.net)
CT USA - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 07:32:03 (PDT)
Now, now Dave. You know the old saying -- if you can't take a joke...
Deep Throttle (DeepThrottle@DeepThrottle.com)
- Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 09:44:28 (PDT)
Great deal of worthless bitterness and hatred at this site. Watch CART, enjoy it and move on with your lives thankful that you have them to enjoy.
David Scott (get@alife.com)
Fishers, IN USA - Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 16:57:29 (PDT)
fabulous wit & humour - a breathe of fresh air in racing websites
Nika of racerchicks.com (info@racerchicks.com)
Race City, Canada - Friday, June 22, 2001 at 13:15:41 (PDT)
EW (ew@ewd.com)
LA, CA US - Saturday, June 02, 2001 at 11:24:04 (PDT)
Deep Throttle, Really enjoyed your article on the Indy 500. It was right on point and I loved the comment about Eddie Cheever.For next year should the CART drivers just spot the IRL drivers a lap or two? Bill Hayashi
Bill Hayashi (wphayashi@yahoo.com)
Westminster, CO USA - Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 12:20:02 (PDT)
Does anyone know where I could find any videos covering the 1999 CART Season. That was one of my favorite seasons. This was Montoya's rookie year, and I would love to see his victories again.
Eric Bernalq (ericbernal@hotmail.com)
Portland, OR US - Wednesday, April 18, 2001 at 12:12:15 (PDT)
Really neat site. Could you please get the Watkins Glen G.P. festival 2000 photo gallery up and running.
I was there with a Shadow F1, and I am dying to see if we made it into you site.
Glen Fredericks (glen_fredericks@globalcrossing.com)
sussex, n.j. u.s.a. - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 12:02:13 (PST)
Enjoyed your website very much with one reservation ...although very informative and thought provoking, it is unfortunate that someone refering to your site would have be exposed to IRL / Tony George bashing. I can understand the conscious decision not to cover the IRL and related news, but why say anything at all, positive or negative re: the IRL? That being said, this site is bookmarked and I will visit often... regardless of negative comments.
Paul E. Hubert, Formula Pro Racing Series, http://formulaproracing.jumpautos.com
Paul E. Hubert (formularcr@aol.com)
Huntington, NY USA - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 11:50:13 (PDT)
Love your redesign and can't wait for the latest Hattori news from the dark side.
Rich Hueston (hardingm@iprimus.ca)
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 09:34:40 (PST)
Nice to see unvarnished astute opinions - and honest too boot!
Charlie Klein (klehills03@aol.com)
Somers, NY USA - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 07:44:39 (PST)
Enjoyed your site immensly.
Cart, Vintage, NO IRL, what could be better ?
Jimmy Johnston (jpcon@idirect.ca)
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 20:36:27 (PST)
Randy and Deb (WayOffTheGrid@aol.com)
Wauwatosa, WI USA - Thursday, January 06, 2000 at 18:39:45 (PST)
"Did the Pep Boys checks clear yet" Tony George , overheard asking his wife while sitting at the dinner table balancing the check book...
George Corso (gcorso@bellsouth.net)
Pembroke Pines, Florida U.S.A. - Thursday, December 30, 1999 at 06:19:27 (PST)
Is it true that Humpy Wheeler said that the only way that the IRL could bring their lame-asses back to Charlotte was if he could have the Special Forces destroy all the IRL cars on the tri-oval before the next Coke 600, thus taking us all out of our misery? Now that would be a show.
Model Car Hubmaster (modelcarhub@earthlink.net)
anyplace, ca usofa - Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 14:37:28 (PDT)
Great Freaking Site, Love It.
Rob Ruel (rruel@home.com)
Toronto, Ont. Canada - Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 14:33:57 (PDT)
A politically incorrect - honest evaluation of racing - its great!
Charlie Klein (klehills03@aol.com)
Somers, NY USA - Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 03:36:28 (PDT)
Do IRL cars have to use wheel tethers if there are no spectators in the stands?
George Cappello (gcappe3208@aol.com)
Rockville Centre, New York United States of America - Saturday, September 04, 1999 at 07:40:27 (PDT)
I love your site. Don't forget the IRL stands for the "Icky Racing League"
Doug Littlejohn (douglj@home.com)
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 18:40:09 (PDT)
cool page, It looks like we CART fans are gaining new sites everyday. Keep up the good work... http://start.at/cart ...
racerchic99 (racerchic99@hotmail.com)
Lost in, Cali USA - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 23:36:36 (PDT)
srgt spok (srgtspok@aol.com)
- Monday, June 28, 1999 at 00:19:59 (PDT)
Great site. But, you know, having opinions is against the rules:)
John Mikes
Ralt RT5 CSR
John Mikes (john.mikes@worldnet.att.net)
- Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 05:54:04 (PDT)
Rockin' site. I really enjoy a site that caters to CART fans
Enough NASCAR already! I love this series. Let's talk after
the Nazerath race.
Rob Ellis (r.ellis@umusic.com)
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 11:44:34 (PDT)
Wonderful page! This is my first time here and I know I will keep coming back. I'm so glad there won't be any IRL coverage on this site. Check out my unofficial CART page at: http://members.tripod.com/cart_rock/
Rachel (cart_rock@hotmail.com)
Ca USA - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 15:46:47 (PST)
Interesting site. History section is good and the commentary on CART is wonderful. Nice to have a site that is CART concentrated and not CART PR hype.
Mike Dickerson (Dustymed@aol.com)
Versailles, KY USA - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 03:55:42 (PST)
The site looks like it will be lots of fun to read as the
season progresses. Keep up the good work! I agree with
the concerns your other readers have about the IRL. I hope
for the day when I can take my little boy to Indy to see an
Andretti pass 5 cars into turn 1 at the start, see Foyt rant
and rave in the pits, see Mears lean into the cockpit of a
car driven by an Unser giving advice. I want him to see how
these brave people made that place great. The track is a
frame, the drivers and teams are the fibers of a richly
textured tapestry. To misunderstand that is to spit on the
graves of the men who've lost it all while providing a great
payday to a few sitting well away from the fray.
Doug Seim (dougseim@aol.com)
Rochester, NY USA - Thursday, March 11, 1999 at 03:39:38 (PST)
I love the idea you guys have going here. Any racing site that ignores the IRL is fine with me. I look forward to this work in progress coming to its full fruition.
Dave Levin (racinnut@ameritech.net)
Highland Park, IL USA - Wednesday, March 10, 1999 at 19:35:34 (PST)
Great Site! I can certainly respect a site that takes a stand not to cover the IRL. There's been too much apathy regarding them and their founder.
Christa Laszczkowski (kchrista@worldnet.att.net)
Arlington Heights, IL USA - Tuesday, March 09, 1999 at 13:58:05 (PST)
Great site so far! I can't wait until the season starts and the rest of the site begins to fill in. I'm looking forward to more of your
unusual insights around the CHAMP racing series.
Bruce Thaxton (thaxton@frontiernet.net)
Le Roy, NY USA - Tuesday, March 09, 1999 at 12:28:15 (PST)