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September, 1999
Featured Question

An essay has just been posted on Deep Throttle that says CART should race at Indy. Do you agree or disagree with this position? Will it be more beneficial to CART or the IRL if this happens? Could it actually spell the end of CART or the IRL?

Purple Bar
I've said this all along...CART should sit back and watch the IRL (and Tony's wallet) whither away. With only one race versus 20 internationally watched races, where would you put you sponsorship money? And it shows! Granted, it is "The Indy 500" (so what!) but I used to attend the the race for years before the split and it sucks as a place to see a race. There are plenty of other tracks I would rather go to that put on a good show, road or ovals. The only people that go to Indy now aren't race fans, they are are just there for a party, an EVENT! And maybe that's the problem...CART needs to make some of the race weekends an event rather than just a race. They have done that in Long Beach and should carry that over to some of the other venues. I know that would take years to get it to the "Tradition" status,but it would help to attract more "fans". But it is truely about competition. And CART has that market cornered! CART has a "spec" series already in their ladder system...they shouldn't become one themselves. A.J and Cheever (Foyt and Eddie, if you don't know them by their "highly respected" tenure in the IRL!) always talk about how competitive and how there's such a level playing field in their series. Well, no kiddin', how much more level could you get with only having one engine manufacture! They are a joke to auto racing. Any how... my point is CART doesn't need to sacrifice their integrity to get back to Indy. It will come back to them before too long. They just need to be patient and consentrate on marketing and build on what they've got...a greatly competitve and exciting series!!
Billy "Boathole" (
Dayton, Ohio USA - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 20:33:01 (PDT)
I think that too much has been made of the split between CART and the IRL. Of course ratings and attendence are down because both series are starting new and need time to grow. Having the champ cars compete with the IRL series would be a no win situation. There is no way that the IRL teams could keep up with the heavier financed and more technicaly advanced teams of CART. I will always be a fan of champ car racing, as long as it survives. But I don't feel that the IRL has that devoted fan base. It's just not as exciting to watch, even at Indy. I think that, more than anything else will be its downfall.
Jason Reed (
Conway, SC USA - Thursday, September 23, 1999 at 13:03:44 (PDT)
yes Cart should race at indy , but thats it as far as the get together , the only thing cart needs is indy , they dont need the IRL.
Rob Ruel (
Toronto , Ont. Canada - Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 07:41:30 (PDT)
Tony George and the IRL quite frankly belong together. Most of the drivers are has beens that cannot secure a CART ride and/or rookies who could'nt either. Every race in their season is a comedy of errors and mishaps unlike any other professional sport. As for Tony George he is a soon to be has been when CART takes over and he is definalty the inexperienced rookie in the world of F1. If he thinks Bernie Ecclesotone is bringing the F1 to the US to support or boost the IRL, the INDY 500 (which will never be as great again until CART is there) or the career of Tony George he better wake up. Bernie is there for himself and the money as always. The IRL is not needed by anyone, anywhere and will soon be nothing but a faded memory of a bad dream. It was a stupid idea when TG started it and it will go down in history that way as well. Too bad for the IRL drivers who actually won the Indy 500 during his reign. Their victories will be forever tainted with the kowledge that they did not compete against the best as did their predecessors. CART RULES!!!
Neezie (
Abbotsford, BC Canada - Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 13:10:41 (PDT)
Let TONY GEORGE GO DOWN WITH HIS SINKING SHIP!!!!!!!! CART doesn't need INDY, INDY needs CART. Now before people say I don't know what I'm talking about, I live in INDY, what a lot of people don't know is alot of the political powers that be are applying pressure to dear ol' Tony, to get the crowds back, to fill up all of our hotels, motels, resturants, and other attractions. Why do you think we have a NECKCAR race here? Why do you think we are getting an F-1 date? TONY GEORGE TOTALLY RUINED OPENWHEEL RACING IN THIS COUNTRY,AND NOW ITS TIME FOR HIM TO TWIST IN THE WIND,GO DOWN WITH YOUR SINKING SHIP ,ASK ONE OF THE FEW SPONSERS YOU HAVE TO THROW YOU A LIFE RAFT. CART DOESNT NEED YOU NOW NOR DID WE EVER. @#$% off
Jeff Burton (
INDY, IN USA - Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 17:56:17 (PDT)
TG has more money than he knows what to do with. The Indy 500 single-handedly supports the ENTIRE IRL schedule with their 20,000 fans per race. And with the F1 big boys coming to Indy, why would TG even CARE what happens to the IRL? CART has to move back to INDY, swallow their pride, make whatever adjustments are necessary, and get down to business. Without the '500 as the marquee race (let's face it, NO other race on the CART schedule even comes CLOSE), CART is going to go down the tubes. How else are they going to compete for sponsor bucks against the likes of Daytona, Talladega, Monoco, and the new Indy F1? Come on CART. Get up and smell the methanol!
Turbos rule
- Saturday, September 11, 1999 at 18:26:09 (PDT)
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