June, 1999 Featured Question
Should CART once and for all take their gloves off and go after
the IRL full steam? Forget any reconciliation talks and treat this like an all out war such as
putting on a major event Memorial Day weekend, perhaps finding another major network to back this
effort, etc.? Or, should they continue to try to mend fences with IMS?
From a fan's perspective I have to say forget IMS & Tony George, and Bernie Eccelstone for that matter too. You can't have a more non-fan oriented association than TG & F1. If CART is to survive this mess the focus needs to turn to the promotion (or lack-thereof) by ABC. Ditch Paul & Parker and bring back Bob, Danny, Tommy, and Marlo Klain. No sport has had a more interesting and entertaining commentary team than this one. ABC needs to advertise the races waaaaayyyyyyyy more, using at least some of those ads by Fed-Ex, Target, Honda, Mercedes, etc., possibly on other days besides raceday.
srgt spok (srgtspok@aol.com)
Veneta, Or usa - Sunday, June 27, 1999 at 23:57:18 (PDT)
This entire argument is moot. The sale, by Roger Penske, of his CART stock, among other things, has signaled the end of CART. In 2 years there will be no CART series.
This is largely due to sponsors and engine manufacturers wanting to do the Tony George 500. The other part of the equation is the France/Penske merger. France is already in bed with the IRL, and obviously will do nothing with his newly acquired tracks to help CART.
The intangible is the "dumbing down" of America. The subtleties of open wheel, road course racing are simply lost on the majority of the US tv audience; and without tv, there is no way to sell a race series to sponsors.
I hate to see it happen, but CART is dead.
Mark Fahrenkrug (krug47@worldnet.att.net)
Seattle, Wa USA - Friday, June 11, 1999 at 09:54:48 (PDT)
It's the only option they have. Clearly TG is going to keep jerking CART around. I think CART should just state that they are always willing to return to the speedway either for the 500 or another event but the only point of negotiation should be the $$$$. Let TG keep subsidizing a series that has little interest with race fans, team owners sponsors or drivers. Eventually the rest of the owners of the IMS will realize he is taking money out of their pockets to gratify his own ego.
Lola McLaren
- Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 16:36:01 (PDT)
Two points: 1.)Tony the George doesn't need CART. He makes
enough money, even with a dip in attendence, on the 500,
that he can support the entire IRL for the whole YEAR!
2.) CART needs the 500. Currently, they just don't get the
publicity (except for those great Target Ads) that winning
the 500 provides. As a result, very few people, outside of
racing know who the top CART drivers are. But every body
knows who the top NASCAR drivers are.
Therefore, CART needs to bend over and make some concessions
in order to get back to the '500. Otherwise, F1, and NASCAR
are going to leave them in the dust.
Back Home Again
- Saturday, June 05, 1999 at 17:12:42 (PDT)
cart should stay just the way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!
tom arrington (tarring101@aol.com)
sherwood, or. usa - Friday, June 04, 1999 at 16:31:20 (PDT)