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Purple Bar

ESPN's race coverage is consistently disrespectful to racing fans. The best argument yet for an all motor sports channel that I have seen. Saturday night's race was marred the channel's decision to not show the start of the race due to a football game going long. Okay, to those who devoted 2 hours to the football game, I'll concede those last 15 minutes may have been exciting to you. I can't tell, because I'm a racing fan. So the race was joined 15 minutes late - so we missed the start and the starting grid. I and my fellow race fans settled down to watch the race. We were not worried because "Sportscenter" was following. Silly us! The race with no start was trimmed to a race with barely a finish, thanks to "Ess-pen". If I thought their sponsors care, I would write them, but I think neither do.
Lisa Davidson (
Hawthorne, California USA - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 21:35:55 (PDT)
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