Your 2001 Michigan Thoughts
Read Deep Throttle's
Michigan Thoughts.
Enter your own Michigan thoughts here.
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whats wrong with the american fan base? no crowd at MIS?
well as an attendee of evey 500 miler ever held at Mich,
i believe the area has such a union, nothern redneck mentality, that they just follow the USA USA NASCAR!! union
line like cows to the slaughter. Hey I'm pro USA too. but
jeez..I just talked to a northern redneck at work this week
who loves NASCAR, but won't watch CART because its full
of Iranians and Russians...Oh well I still see folks on the AOL boards who say that MIS isn't a REAL race (whatever that
means when there are millions on the line) and CART needs to
rid themselves of ovals..So as long as the so-called REAL
KNOWALL CART fans hate ovals, how do you expect others show up?
doug (
- Friday, August 03, 2001 at 17:18:57 (PDT)