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Purple Bar Re popoff valve flap. Having read the rule, I can't see what Honda and Ford did wrong. Nowhere in the rules does it state WHERE the manifold pressure is measured; i.e., at the popoff valve or at the valves. If you measure manifold pressure immediately below the popoff valve (the most logical place) then Honda and Ford are legal. The real issue is that the popoff valve is a flawed solution to a real problem --- too much engine power. CART needs to consider a radical change in its engine formula to reduce power, reduce speeds, and increase safety. Normally-aspirated engines, anyone? Not IRL engines but something closer to F1 technology.
Lotus Elan
Sunnyvale, CA - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 17:10:33 (PDT)
Hey, for your next amazing prognostication, could you please predict that CART will return to Brooklin Michigan in 2002! And that Paul Tracy will win in Portland!
Richard Hueston
- Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 11:06:10 (PDT)
Well you got your wish. Memo gets Minassian's seat for Portland. Go Memo!
Ken Tomihiro
- Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 08:18:25 (PDT)
Ford and Honda may have been violating the spirit of the rules, but it was Toyota that came out of this looking like the Eddie Haskell of manufacturers.
- Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 10:39:59 (PDT)
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