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Your 2000 Australia Thoughts

Read Deep Throttle's Australia Thoughts.

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(We welcome all opinions and thoughts. However, we insist you keep it clean. Otherwise, we will remove your post.)

Purple Bar It's amazing how fast CART officials told Servia to give position back the second time he went over curbs, and not even a breath about it the first time, when he ended up racing Tracy and then knocking him pretty much out of the championship. Do you think that maybe they don't like Tracy too much? One other thing, I love watching the race on Saturday night way more than watching a Sunday mid-day one!
Sandy - Canadian Race Fan
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 12:45:48 (PDT)
I love reading the comments on this site and make it a point to visit after each race. I don't understand the Moreno championship scenario though - when did he win a second race?
Marla Kerr (
- Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 12:36:31 (PDT)
Once again, you hit the nail on the head with your Australia thoughts, and better yet left me with some laughs. Keep up the good work.
Formulaben (
Eugene, OR - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 10:35:13 (PDT)
Go Brighty! Good to see Jason Bright getting some good opportunities. Had some bad luck this year, so look for an Indy Lights championship next year, and CART after that.
Tim McGinnes
- Monday, October 16, 2000 at 20:46:18 (PDT)
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