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Uncensored CΛRT Commentary
by Ed Donath

Delayed Reactions

“Hello again Champ Car racing fans…Todd Wickerbill here welcoming you to another edition of Way Behind the Scenes in CΛRT.

“Just a quick program note to our audience before we begin…

“Today’s entire program has been pre-recorded, so please do not attempt to phone in with your questions and observations.

“Actually, what we refer to in the biz as “live” listener and viewer calls are, themselves, pre-recorded on a seven-second delay tape. That way, they may be screened and spot-edited to eliminate any objectionable spontaneous content.

“And while we’re on the subject of tape-delay programming…

“By the time this pre-recorded edition of Way Behind the Scenes in CΛRT airs in your area, the Champ Car World Series event that took place at Brands Hatch, UK on May 5th will be in the CΛRT record books. But since we don’t know the outcome of that race at this time, those of you who are patiently waiting to watch the SPEED re-play on May 10th—expecting to make believe that it is being televised live—can certainly stay with us now with no worry that your pretend fun will be spoiled by a careless slip of the lip.

“But please be advised folks, that at the conclusion of the British race telecast you’ll want to stay real close to your TV. Why? Because, depending on your time zone, live qualifying and/or the actual tape-delayed version of the German 500 scheduled for Sunday, May 11th could come on the air at any moment!

“The race from Lausitz goes green at 2:00 PM in its European time zone. However, and somewhat confusingly, the CBS tape-delayed version of the German 500 is time-slotted for the very same day—at 1:00 PM Eastern time.

“So, whereas American fans will have been forced to wait five days to see Round 4 of the Champ Car World Series, they will actually be seeing Round 5—live on tape, of course—an hour earlier on the same day that their European counterparts will be seeing it. Everybody got that now?

“But naturally, as is always the case with major networks and their independent affiliates—not to mention the possibility of severe weather and preemptions for anything from golf to regional charity telethons—this disclaimer posted at regarding TV coverage of the race in Germany: Schedule subject to change. Check local listings…could make things a bit dicey for TV-watching Champ Car fans whose hearts have been set on not missing two races in a row.

“Perhaps my lengthy intro of today’s show will end up on the editing room floor prior to airtime. But as it stands right now, we’re running a bit long in this segment and we need to take a break now. Please pay close attention to our sponsors’ pre-recorded messages.

Way Behind will return in a moment with plenty more interesting nearly live Champ Car programming. Don’t even think about touching those remotes folks!”

Copyright © 2003 by Ed Donath and Deep Throttle. All Rights Reserved.

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